What is Rollover date? Why will be charged?
PU Prime's futures crude oil (CL-OIL), VIX, USDX, HK50ft, DJ30ft, DAX40ft, NAS100ft, SP500ft,UKOUSDft, FTSE100ft, China50ft, FEI, FGBL, FGBM, FGBS, FBGX, FLG and TY are futures contract products and will be rollover every month or every 3 months.
If you hold CL-OIL, VIX, USDX, HK50ft, DJ30ft, DAX40ft, NAS100ft, SP500ft,UKOUSDft,FTSE100ft, China50ft, FEI, FGBL, FGBM, FGBS, FBGX, FLG and TY go through the rollover date, we will automatically extend the contracts. Yet you are required to deduct/compensate the difference in contract prices.